🤔Mentor resources (know more)

This is a guide for those curious about how to mentor

Below roadmap can be used as a rough guideline to plan your mentorship. The roadmap should be modified on a per-mentorship base to account for the mentees individual skills and level of knowledge.


  • Smart Contract Dev Mentorship

    • Week 1 - 2: Mentee weekly demand 4hs

    • Week 3 - 4: Mentee weekly demand 6hs

    • Week 5 - 4: Mentee weekly demand 12hs

    • Week 6 - 8: Mentee weekly demand 20hs

Week 1:

  • Set up a regular slot for the weekly call

  • Skills gauge to identify areas for improvement/focus

    • Solidity Language

    • EVM

    • Testing Smart Contracts

    • Hardhat

    • Typescript

    • Secure Code

  • Study plan with resources

  • Daily CTF with GitHub repo explaining solutions. Damn Vulnerable DeFi

Week 2:

Depending on the skills gauge.

  • Learn common tooling and become comfortable with doing the following:

    • Creating contracts from scratch

    • Deploying contracts using hardhat

    • Verifying contracts with Etherscan plugin

    • Testing contracts with hardhat, typescript & ethers.js

    • Creating GitHub workflows to run tests on commits and PR merges

<- OR ->

Week 3 - 4:

Project: Smart contract challenge

Week 5 - 4:

  • Intro to the protocol/team or work idea

  • Analyze main apps and branches from the project

  • Produce dev documentation explaining how it works

Week 6 - 8:

  • Working on the project. Specifics TBD and will be decided closer to the date

Smart Contract Dev Study

Below is a curated list of resources that do an excellent job of explaining topics related to smart contract development. These should provide good foundational knowledge and hopefully help you identify additional subjects you may want to look into deeper. Also, if there is anything you think should be added, please feel free to add it.


Ethereum Virtual Machine & Gas


Secure Development

Fun Stuff

Last updated